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modern DOS games, new games for DOS, DOS homebrew, newest DOS games

“Just because something’s old doesn’t mean you throw it away.”
Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge

DOS homebrew scene.
Does it exist? Are there any new games for DOS?

Why we’ve got plenty of new titles for almost every old platform, but just few for good old DOS powered IBM PC? Let’s do something about it. Let’s collect DOS games from 21st century and encourage others to make a new ones.

Why would someone make game for DOS nowadays?
– Because it’s fun, if you are into that sort of thing ;)
– Because it’s retro, and retro is cool! (you know, like bowties…)
– Because thanks to DOSBox, you can run DOS programs almost anywhere – Windows, Linux, MacOS, smartphones, tablets, Raspberry Pi, you name it.

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